

  拖到今天才写,最近几年的六月四日都会写一篇文章来纪念。其实也没什么好说的,我的观点都在 Twitter, 微博 上反复阐述过。

  但今年确实不太一样。今年是二十五周年,四分之一世纪过去了。美国独立到制定宪法也不过是十几年的事情。整个法国大革命也不过是十年时间。但中国的这段历史却持续的特别久,虽然时间是让人遗忘、磨灭仇恨的最好工具。几代人之后我们一生所经历的只不过是历史书中的一页而已。但对于我们则是实实在在的生命历程。我们等不起缓慢地「改良」(其实我认为改良未必就会缓慢、革命一定能迅速解决问题),何况它们根本没有任何继续改革的行动。近年来的种种事情表明,新一届政权更加专制。许志永博士被判刑;以所谓的「寻衅滋事」逮捕浦志强、徐友渔等五君子;甚至浦志强的律师也被逮捕。But you can't kill us all! 所以等待它们改良无疑是异想天开,在当前情况下,进一步地集权以及打压异己无疑是趋势。以前李庄被抓,只是一个重庆在非法抓律师,现在中国大陆就是一个大重庆。不知道薄熙来在狱中看新闻联播时有何感受。



  我自认为是个乐观主义者,但在中国的前途上,实在是乐观不起来。两千多年的专制手段几乎都被当权者学过去了,再加上配备高科技的监控手段,以及动辄「煽动颠覆国家政权」的敏锐嗅觉。使得它们每次都能化危为安,甚至把危机转换为巩固权力的工具。但这些并非不可战胜,我感到可怕的是人的思想。像 V字仇杀队 中所描述的一样,如果有一定数量的人有战胜极权的思想,那独裁者分分钟就会灭亡。但相反也是成立的,即这种思想不被大多数人所认可,那抗争者几乎无法成功。但那又如何呢?为了自由,我愿意继续抗争,不像极权主义低头。希望以后的我勿忘初心。

2014-06-05 于布法罗


Weird function in Emacs 24.4: x-display-pixel-width

When you use two or more monitors, Mac, Emacs 24.4, actually it's Emacs

You will find weird behavior about the function: x-display-pixel-width.

In Emacs 24.4, the function return the width of your all monitors.

This is the description in Emacs 24.4:
x-display-pixel-width is a built-in function in `C source code'.
(x-display-pixel-width &optional TERMINAL)
Return the width in pixels of the Nextstep display TERMINAL.
The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.
On "multi-monitor" setups this refers to the pixel width for all
physical monitors associated with TERMINAL.  To get information for
each physical monitor, use `display-monitor-attributes-list'.

This is the description in Emacs 24.3:
x-display-pixel-width is a built-in function in `C source code'.
(x-display-pixel-width &optional DISPLAY)
Return the width in pixels of the Nextstep display DISPLAY.
The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
DISPLAY should be either a frame, a display name (a string), or terminal ID.
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.


Install Emacs from homebrew, Mac user only

For brand new install, just run this 4 lines in shell:

brew install --cocoa --srgb emacs
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.3/Emacs.app /Applications/Emacs.app
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.3/bin/emacs /usr/local/bin
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.3/bin/emacsclient /usr/local/bin

Please make sure that "/usr/local/bin" before "/usr/bin" in your $PATH


Tip for Google Calendar: sync subscribed other calendars

Sometimes we need subscribe calendars from other people or organization.

But in the Google Calendar settings page we cannot select which one should sync with mobile device.

If you wanna manually select which one to sync, pleas visit this page:



The Best Music Player: Vox


It's the best music player I've never used.

I've used lots of music player, such as foobar2000, AIRPLAY, TTPlayer, iTunes, Cog, etc.

But I feel Vox is better because it naturally support ape, flac and its intuitive interface. In addition, it's default config is pretty.

I feel comfortable when I use Vox.

The official site: http://coppertino.com/vox/
The Mac App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/app/vox/id461369673

Tips for Alfred hotkey

I love Alfred. It's awesome. Of course, I'm a Mega Supporter. :)

I use Alfred to manage almost all of my hotkeys, especially those must be done by KeyRemap4MacBook.

But there're conflicts with different hotkey:
  • Case1: Suppose you have a hotkey ⌘+E to trigger an applescript. And the applescript will send ⇧+E. Then when you press ⌘+E and release ⌘ little slow. The applescript actually send ⇧+E, but you system receive the ⌘+⇧+E. Terrible.
  • Case 2: My Alfred hotkey is double tap ⌘ (Command). I have other hotkeys to toggle App, such as ⌘+⇧+E to toggle Finder. But when I press ⌘+⇧+E, sometimes the Alfred appear. 
It's really terrible and annoying. 

Until I find the post:

There are three options:
  1. Simulate modifier keys released
  2. Wait until modifier keys are released
  3. Pass through modifier keys (Fastest)
The first one is default. It means that Alfred will simulate you already release modifier keys, but the system still receive the modifier signal. 

The second one means wait until you actually release the modifier. It can avoid potential conflict for my case 1, but it trigger you action very slow.

The third one means that the action will happen when you press the whole hotkey even if you haven't release any key, especially the modifier key. The option is useful for my case 2.





  1. 心理影响
  2. 互惠
  3. 承诺和一致
  4. 社会认同
  5. 喜好
  6. 权威
  7. 稀缺


  • 大家都喜欢某个权威,而权威说这是稀缺的,这会影响到你。
  • 你为了获得社会认同,就会不断地像朋友表达这个观点。
  • 为了做和你的承诺相一致的事情,你不得不与和你有共同喜好并且能互惠的人合作。


Reference for Solving Linear Recurrence Relations

Solving Linear Recurrence Relations means that to get a normal formula for a Linear Recurrence Number Sequences.

The famous example is Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci series or Fibonacci sequence.

But to get a normal formula is not easy.

There are some reference for this problem:

The Notes on Recurrences provide brief and coherent explanation.

The Notes on Linear Recurrence Sequences provides a few methods include matrix.

This book: Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 7th Edition, Rosen has detailed proofs. Please read page 515, THEOREM 1-4.


Install a brand new Mac OS X

1. Download Mavericks from App Store.

2. Prepare your USB with at least 8G capable, format it as Mac OS Extended (Journaled).

3. After download, run this command in shell:
sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ Mavericks.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ Mavericks.app --nointeraction

4. Reboot your Mac and hold the option, then select your USB.

5. Format your Mac's disk and install.

And enjoy.


Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcuts

It's awesome: http://mac.keyboard-shortcuts.eu/en/