I, as a senior user of the feature of Dropbox, especially the feature of Camera Upload, cannot endure the hundreds of photos with such name 2002-12-08 12.00.00-1-2.jpg in my Camera Uploads fold.
Long time ago, I suppose that its the bug of MIUI, a Chinese Mobile OS based on Android. But later I realized the bug didn't relate to the OS because the error-name bug still exist with several versions of MIUI, and even with the native Android OS. So I search in the official forum of Dropbox and thanks for Lihiniya(https://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=91810#post-504267). The problem is the app that cannot provide right EXIF information for their photos. So, I decide to resolve this problem by modify the wrong name. I use the modified time of photo because it's the nearest time of the right time.
I write the program by Autohotkey. Basicall, travel all files in the Camera Uploads fold, and figure out the files needed rename, then process each one. I spend two hours to write this little thing, because I haven't wrote AHK code long time.
The tutor: open the exe file, press Win key & 2, input your Camera Uploads fold path, Enter, it will modify your wrong name files automatically. PS: It will warn you by display the file path if one file cannot be renamed.
The link of exe file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gpthiuylklui3x0/fixDropboxCameraUploadTimeBug.exe
The link of ahk file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wnl6sg13qnc47e4/fixDropboxCameraUploadTimeBug.ahk
The source code:
InputBox, photoPath, Please Input the PATH of Camera Uploads , like:D:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads, , 300,128 ;input setting
if ErrorLevel
MsgBox, Exit,88~
photoPath := RegExReplace(photoPath,"\\$","") ;删除末尾多余的\ | Delete the extra \ in the end of the path
;MsgBox, You entered "%photoPath%"
Loop, %photoPath%\*.*, 0, 1 ;Loop the input fold
;MsgBox, 4, , Filename = %A_LoopFileFullPath%`n`nContinue?
tempFile = %A_LoopFileFullPath%
FoundPos := RegExMatch(tempFile, "2002-12-08 12.00.00") ;detect one file is a file with time bug
if FoundPos
;msgbox %tempFile% %FoundPos%
renameOneFile(tempFile) ;process one file
FileGetTime, modifiedTime, %filePath% ;get the modified time
;tempFileFullPath := RegExReplace(modifiedTime,"(\d4)(\d2)(\d2)(\d2)(\d2)(\d2)","$1-$2-$3 $4.$5.$6")
tempFileFullPath := RegExReplace(modifiedTime,"(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})","$1-$2-$3 $4.$5.$6") ;convert only number time to the Dropbox format file name
tempFileFullPath := RegExReplace(filePath,"(?<=\\)[\d-\. ]{19,}(?=.[a-z]{3})",tempFileFullPath) ;add path
;msgbox %filePath%`n%tempFileFullPath%
FileMove, %filePath%, %tempFileFullPath%, 0 ;change the file name
if ErrorLevel
msgbox %filePath% ;msg the file path that cannot be changed for user
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